It’s a simple fact that your assets are always at risk. We encounter potential liabilities [...]
Our focus at Simmons & Schiavo, LLP is to assist our clients in passing on [...]
There’s a common misconception that giving your house to your kids is beneficial for Medicaid, [...]
Your assets are a tool to prolong the health, happiness and success of your loved [...]
If you own a home, it is important to develop a detailed plan for that [...]
Most people pass on assets to their children in a will or trust. However, some [...]
Capital gains taxes are a major concern when selling a highly appreciated piece of real [...]
People who do not have very many assets, still need to get estate plans. However, [...]
There is possibly no greater blow to a person, than losing all of their assets to creditors. [...]
Giving your house to your child or children can have tax consequences, but there are [...]